Challenge #28 Round-Up

This week Iron Crafter were digging through their trash and recycling looking supplies that could be reused as crafts.
Iron Craft Challenge #28 - Rolled Magazine Bowl
I dove into my giant stack of magazines to make this rolled magazine bowl.

Let’s pick through the rest of the Iron Crafters’ trash, shall we?
(Click on a picture to see it bigger and read more)
Sandwhich bag Bellas fabricAlexas fabric picture Moms picEgg Carton Lighningbug IC28reuse challenge #28IC #28: The Tin Can Standby. PencilGripstar_bracelet NutContainerPlasticBagBracelet Volcanore-cycle re-use Reuse Baby JarsIMG_7368 Bottle Cap Flower Finished ICC28 Plastic Yarn Outdoor Cushion

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14 years ago by in Challenges , Iron Craft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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