Iron Crafter Feature – Elisabeth Squires

What is your name?

Elisabeth Squires

Where do you live?

Bloomington, Indiana.

What kind of crafts do you do?

I mainly do variations in collage and decoupage, mostly. I also like to do printmaking, either in stencil or linocut. I used to silkscreen, but moved away from my old workshop. I’m also a dilettante in cross stitch and knitting.

Where do you get your inspiration?

I live in a college town, and a lot of my inspiration comes from wanting to reuse that which idiot bro-dudes throw away. I love the idea of taking a piece of furniture that was thrown away by a college student, decorating it with stuff from dumpstered magazines, and then selling it back to the college student’s parents when they go on a gallery walk.

What new crafts or techniques would you like to learn?

I’d like to learn how to do some carving or casting techniques. I’ve also always wanted to work in enamel.

Do you have a blog and/or Esty store?

Personal blog:
Craft blog:

Anything else you’d like to tell us about yourself? Other hobbies, special collections, etc…

Umm…I have a BA in photography. My day job is in a daycare for a domestic violence shelter. Oh, and I’m never not reading.

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13 years ago by in Challenges , Iron Craft , iron crafters | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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