Just a reminder

Because Iron Craft is all about creativity we don’t have a ton of rules but, we do ask that members of the group follow the ones we do have. So, here’s just a quick reminder of what they are…

1. Please embrace the week’s challenge. You are welcome to think outside of the box & make the challenge fit your skills & interests but if we ask you to make a scarf & you bake cookies well that’s not embracing the challenge is it? Let’s face it every challenge is not going to be a perfect fit for everyone but we look at Iron Craft as a change to stretch our crafting wings, a chance to try & learn new things.

2. Please make your project in the week of the challenge. Part of what makes Iron Craft a challenge is the time limit. Taking pictures of projects made in the past defeats the point.

3. Please do not post your finished projects early. Pictures can be loaded up on Flickr only on the announced posting day (typically the Wednesday after the challenge is announced). This means people won’t influence other’s final projects. It also gives us a big reveal day, which is really fun. If you are itching to post before then, take some work-in-progress photos and ‘lead us on’ with those.

We’ve really enjoyed these first challenges with all of you! We love how everyone is commenting on each other’s pictures. Hopefully, we are building a great community of Iron Crafters.
Thanks for cooperation keeping the ‘game’ fun!

If you are not reading this post in a feed reader or at http://justcraftyenough.com then the site you are reading is illegally publishing copyrighted material. Contact us at justcraftyenough AT yahoo DOT COM. All patterns, text and photographs in this post are the original creations & property of the author unless otherwise noted.
© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
14 years ago by in Challenges , Iron Craft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
12 Comments to Just a reminder
    • Seanna Lea
    • My husband asked me why I wasn't posting coffee cozies I made in the past few weeks and I told him I was making something new for the challenge. Thanks for the heads up! I am running out of time!

    • Lynda Evans
    • So, if we complete a challenge late, we can't share it? I've expanded challenge number 1 and would like to post a picture, but if that's not okay, I won't.

      Please do not assume that the camera time posted on the picture is correct. My camera is saying that my pictures were taken in 2000. I don't remember what I was doing in 2000, but it wasn't crafting.

      The hardest part about these challenges so far is taking the pictures and getting them downloaded. You won't believe what I have to go through to accomplish that.

    • kat
    • Lynda – Posting late is ok but if its beyond the following Sunday I can't guarantee it'll get in a wrap-up post. I think I know which photos are yours & figured the time stamp was just wrong.

    • shopgirl
    • Lynda,
      It's not 'late' entries that were at issue, it was the early ones. Some of the eager crafters were posting their finished crafts the day after the challenge was announced. So either they were so excited, they made it that night, or they were using something they already made.
      Please feel free to elaborate on any prior challenges. I would be excited to see them. That might be a neat thing to revisit later: "if you had more time to think about it, what would you have done?"
      I can understand that the pictures are not cooperating. That can be the hardest part. Stick with it, it will get easier!

    • Debbie Barr
    • Question: Some of us are in the midst of their last semester of college (okay, maybe that's just me) and I'm thinking about joining in on the challenges in the summer after school's finished. Is that alright? Or have I missed my opportunity altogether?

    • Lynda Evans
    • @kat and shopgirl: Thanks for your encouragement. I am actually having a great time doing these. I am gaining in confidence,too. Plus, I am thinking that I'd like to start a blog, too.

      Still haven't done challenge number 3, but I'll do it eventually. Sometimes other things get in the way. 🙂

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