Challenge #3 Round-Up Part 1

Challenge Three was all about the bunting.
We were allowed to go in any direction with that, and man, people did!
We have paper, fabric, paintings, and everything in between.

In the manner of “Top Chef”, Susi did a ‘duo of buntings’.
First, a fabric children’s bunting:
velum in the deep blue sky
And then, a sewn paper hanging.

Kat made an appliqued fabric bunting to use as a valance in her craft room.
Iron Craft Challenge 3 - Appliqued Bunting

Now let’s take a look at how all of you showed us up!

Click on any photo to see it bigger & read more.
Picture 44
P1020363 100_0784
Iron Crafter challenge #3 - garland IC3B
My first yarn wreath! 20110118-IMG_3655
IC3 IC3 -Bunt Banner  challenge
IC3 Valentine Bunting Necklace
Edible Bunting (100% candy!)
Winter Garland Gift bag Bunting
17/365 Bunting final crane garland copy
Iron Craft #3 Baby bunting for the baby boy
thank you cards magnetic bunting on fridge
Heart Garland 3-D Heart Garland

Round-Up Part 2 coming soon…

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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