
I had not heard the term “bunting” until I met my English husband. I always just referred to those triangles as “used-car-lot flags – you know the ones?” “Bunting” is easier, and much more charming.
This challenge really was hard for me. Only because I have already created all the garlands that my house could ever hold.

We have “cup cake garland” for birthdays.
cupcake garland
And we have the magical “christmas lights” for the holidays.
Christmas Lights

I made a string before we knew if Amelia was a boy or a girl.
Fat Quarters
I wanted to hang them over her crib. Ha. Space restrictions, and safety concerns made this impossible. But I still love the piece.
For this challenge I got it out, and ‘finished’ it. I sewed the pieces to rick rack.
Now, they are ready to come celebrate birthdays or other fun times!

My goal for this ‘game’ (in the broadest sense) is to not make things that will not be used again in the house. I do not want to buy anymore ‘things’ to bring in to our space. And I do not want to bulk out my ‘stash’.

With so many great garlands in residence, I was searching ‘outside the box’.
Amelia and I were over at Kate’s house, and she brought this cool thing out to show us.
She had a stack of paper strips in her hand, and she pulled on the top, and they unfurled in the most beautiful twirling, dancing paper hanging. !!! I gasped. Amelia was enchanted.
“Where did you get that? Did you make it?”
(and this is the best part)
Kate was at huge moving sale for a local party planner/stylist/Mommy/Blogger who is moving to France for a year! Kate had read about the sale on-line, and gone, and found these spectacular things. She saw them in a box, but, because she had seen them on the blog, she knew what they were, and how wonderful they looked.
I knew immediately that I would try to make these for our week 3 challenge.

Here it is, all folded up:

And hanging in the wind.

And in the house.

I did not know there was a tutorial. ! But there is. So you can crank out 2 or 3 or 12 of these.
Have fun!

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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