#223 – Project Project Runway – Challenge 2

Challenge 2: Larger Than Life

Challenge: Create an outfit for the Marie Clare woman that could be used on a billboard. The Marie Clare woman is young, intelligent, professional, sexy & fashion forward.

Feel free to show what accessories you would use from Piperlime.com

Time: You have 18 hours to make your outfit.
Project Project Runway - Challenge 2
Project Project Runway - Challenge 2
I thought of the Marie Clare woman as a young woman who is just getting her start in her career in a large metropolitan area. She needs clothes that are appropriate to wear to the office but still sexy enough to wear out for a drink after work. So I made a wrap skirt out of a stretch wool tweed playing with the pattern of the tweed to make it a little more modern. The side slit created by the wrap adds a little sexiness especially when paired with knee-high black boots. The top is form fitting with a dramatic cowl. A pop of color from a red purse & a chunky bracelet complete the look.
Project Project Runway - Challenge 2
Check out what Susi did for this challenge. I think she totally beat me this challenge with that top.

Handmade 365 2010- My goal is to spend time everyday working on something handmade for a year & photograph it.
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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
15 years ago by in Challenges , Project Project Runway | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
3 Comments to #223 – Project Project Runway – Challenge 2
    • Elle
    • I have to tell you, I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you're doing this! It's one of my favorite shows, and just the fact that you're playing along at home is amazing. Especially since you have to make everything so small!

    • shopgirl
    • Your write up is cracking me up! "pop of color…" We are TALKING like them too.
      I LOVE the tweed. (miniature tweed is VERY hard to do.) and I really like the detail you gave the neckline…a swooping cowl. Rachel Zoe would be impressed. The boots are perfect. I think the texture of the rooshing is great. And the accessories are right on the money. Nice job!

    • Liana
    • Kat! So enjoying this challenge. Once I catch up on my Project Runway episodes, I may have to go buy a doll and join in the fun. Love it!

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