21 – First Leaf

21 - First Leaf
I finished the first satin stitched leaf on the squirrel pillow. For someone who hasn’t done much satin stitch, I think it turned out pretty good. Its not perfect but I’m probably the only one who will ever notice. I’m debating whether to outline it with a thin line of split stitch. It would hide any imperfections but I’m thinking keeping it simple might be best. Any thoughts?

Handmade 365 2010- My goal is to spend time everyday working on something handmade for a year & photograph it.

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15 years ago by in Embroidery , Needlecraft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
2 Comments to 21 – First Leaf
    • Val
    • I'd leave it like it is, finish the whole pillow, and then see what you think. It's alot easier to go back and add the outline than it is to stitch it and decide it doesn't look as great as you'd hope. I think your satin stitch looks *great*. I always have a bitch of a time with satin stitch.

    • Sea
    • I agree with Val…the leaf looks good. Finish and see what you think. Because if you outline the leaf you might feel the need to outline everything. Leave it until you have finished.
      By the way, am sorry about the two right mittens…I thought I had done two cardigan front ..both same side, but the shaping was so simialr it just looked like that.

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