I’ve been a little neglectful

of this blog lately. Work has been crazy since getting back & I’m trying out a new camera that I can’t upload pictures at work with. Plus it seems like so many people I know are going through rough times right now & not enjoying a very happy new year which has left me very introspective. That doesn’t mean I haven’t been doing anything though…

In the spirit of the UFO Resurrection I am determined to get Matt’s wedding blanket done. I think I have three balls of yarn left to get through. Here it is on his favorite chair.
matt's blanket

I’m also working on Daria’s birthday present which needs to be done by the 21st. You may have seen an earlier post where I was practicing the design on a piece of scrap fabric but now I’ve started on the sweatshirt.
daria's sweatshirt
It’s all drawn out with dressmakers tracing paper & I am just starting the embroidery. I have another embroidery project in the works but since it is also a present I can’t show it until after the giftee gets it next month.

I’m also knitting up a square to felt for the class I’m taking from Nicky Epstein at TNNA next week which I’ll need to felt over the weekend. I can’t believe this is already next week. Its going to be pretty wild to see some many people who’s books I have or blogs I read etc…

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
18 years ago by in Embroidery , Knitting , Needlecraft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
4 Comments to I’ve been a little neglectful
    • Erica
    • That’s going to be SO cool!

      Hey, if you see Wendy Bernard from Knit & Tonic at TNNA (I know she’s going), please give her a big hug from me, OK?

    • brandilion
    • the blanket looks gorgeous and i love the sweatshirt.

      I can’t wait to hear about people I may ‘know’ from blogs and books!

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