Daria’s b-day present

I can finally show off my friend Daria’s b-day present since I gave it to her yesterday. She loves Day of the Dead stuff & missed out on a sweater with embroidered skulls at Lucky because I told her too late. So, I embroidered one on a sweatshirt for her. (you may have seen my practice piece for it on here)
Daria's sweatshirt
This was my first non-sample embroidery & I’m pretty happy with it. Plus it was on stretchy fabric which is a little trickier.
Daria's sweatshirt
I’m not working on another embroidered present that I can’t show & of course the never ending wedding blanket, its to the point now where it almost covers my toes while I knit it.
Yesterday we went bowling for Daria’s birthday & it was also our friend Andrew’s so I have fun making cupcakes celebrating them.
Daria & Andrew cupcakes
Daria & Andrew cupcakes
oh the laughs….

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
18 years ago by in Embroidery , Needlecraft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
6 Comments to Daria’s b-day present
    • Abigail
    • Wow, that embroidery is awesome.
      I can knit like crazy, but embroidery hates me.
      And I’m laughing my but off at those cupcakes, you have a very lucky friend!

    • Erica
    • OK, those cupcakes are TOO funny…Oooooh, you just gave me a GREAT idea for embellishing the Costco cheesecakes @ Hubby’s upcoming 40th bday bash (yes, I got me a younger man).

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