I did not knit this sushi…

knifty knitter’s sushi
Originally uploaded by katbaro.

but I made up the pattern for the shrimp. Shelia (aka kniftyknitter) asked me for the pattern & knit some of her own up. this is the first time i’ve really had anyone else knit something from one of my own patterns & send me the results. it feels pretty great.

a couple of you have asked me for the patterns for the chicken and the wedding cake. i am working on them but stupidly did not write them down while i was making them (now i have a notebook for this stuff) & with the wedding planning haven’t had much time. I will get to them i promise.

btw, the sushi roll patterns are from magknits.

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
19 years ago by in Knitting , Needlecraft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
3 Comments to I did not knit this sushi…
    • Anonymous
    • Hmmm, the note book sounds like it could be the start of ideas for a book….(hint hint) – that wd. be cool. Love your stuff in the window of Noe Knits. 🙂 Terry

    • Ollie
    • thanks for stopping by my blog…you wanted the name of the sweater & it’s the matinee jacket by plymouth. there’s a hat pattern that goes w/it, I just wish I could gather up the energy to do it!!!! LOL!!!!

      your imagination is incredible…to be able to think up those patterns you do…awesome!!!

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