Go Giants

Just waiting for this work day to end so I can run off for the Giants Stitch n Pitch. I wonder what they’ll have in the tote bags they are giving out? I heard from a source that the Craft Council was thinking of putting a button in them with their logo on it. Apparently someone else stood up at this meeting & said no one would know what the logo meant & they should just make a button that says “I’d rather knit than f***” Wonder what they decided on? Well I’ll be sporting my “Free to Stitch. Free to Bitch” button as well as some fine Chicks with Sticks gear…sweatshirt, tote bag…
ready for stitch n pitch
I HAD to start a new project to take with me, no really I did. See the wedding blanket is too white, the Clapotis too complicated & the baby blanket has too many balls of yarn attached to it. I bought yarn awhile back to make my nephew a Minnesota Vikings hat complete with little viking horns (sort of ala the Kittyville ‘lil Devil Hat) I got the ribbing done last night so tonight I can just mindlessly knit in the round while enjoying a cold adult beverage!
vikings hat

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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