Even though I have a few more ducklings left to make I decided I needed a break & wanted to try something new this weekend (& I did get 1 1/2 ducklings done too!). So, I started messing around with a bunny pattern.Its laying down sort of like one of those bunny cakes you see at Easter covered in coconut. I like where the nose it but other’s have told me it looks too high.
Maybe it will be better once the ears are on. Trying to decide whther or not to embroider a little pink inside the ears. I don’t think this is the final bunny pattern at all but not bad since I was doing it free form while watcing Memoirs of a Giesha.
& really I should have been working on my self-lined bag…its really only getting my attention on Monday nights during knitting…
a little pink in those ears would really make it stand out nicely.
what fun you are having with this!