yarn porn

Since I am almost finished knitting all the sushi I need I’ve started planning out those next projects. I do have a few things I need to do for the store window but nothing big for a bit. So, I’m going to work on the self-lined bag for the CWS KAL. And its for me! I went to the chocolate tasting at Noe Knit on Sunday, which was really fun, & of course had to shop for yarn. I bought this lovely chocolate brown from Nashua which is the perfect gauge for the bag. I also think it will have a little more body to it than the cashmerino used in the pattern.
I plan on adding a fabulous pink button as the closure. Maybe I’ll even make it myself.

This weekend I also picked up the new issue of Family Circle Easy Knitting. Let me just say this magazine is so full of fugly I may never need to look at You Knit What? again. I really wonder who they thing is going to where some of the stuff in there. Once they post it online I’ll put some up. Anyway I did buy it because I liked the shape of this one purse….Yeah, I could have probably figured this out myself but I was feeling lazy. Oh course I’m going to change it up a bit. Instead of this cheap white acrylic I’m using Manos in a beautiful red colorwave. The I bought these cool black handles to use instead of two dowels painted pink.

Funny, I’ve never knit up a purse before & here I am planning two!

19 years ago by in Knitting , Needlecraft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
One Comment to yarn porn
    • Anonymous
    • Hey! That’s a good solution to the fugly! Manos! Gonna look nice!

      I’m a fan of your windows – I really enjoy going to Noe Knits too, cozier and warmer atmosphere. Keep up the really fun windows – ya gotta a fan here!


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