make way for ducklings…

Ok, one duckling but I do have another one on the needles. This was a fun easy pattern to come up with since I just made him about half the size of the chicks. He’s small enough to fit in the palm of your hand yet big enough to cuddle. I haven’t decided whether or not to add webbed feet yet. Now I just need to write the pattern down, bad kat. I’m doing an April Showers window at the store over the weekend & thought a few ducklings would be perfect in it!
So, I was doing this photoshoot last night before bed & got a little silly. This is duckling in mood light.

18 years ago by in Knitting , Needlecraft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
4 Comments to make way for ducklings…
    • pjjhowe
    • hi there: I am a fellow blogger ( and I work with a company that might be interested in purchasing this duck pattern. Can you contact me via return email and let me know how to reach you directly?

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