Road to the State Fair – Three Weeks to Go

Ok, time until my mittens have to be delivered to the MN State Fair is quickly ticking away. To make things worse, I seem to have developed a case of seconditous, you know that knitters’ disease that makes it hard for us to finish the second of any pair.
Road to the State Fair - 3 Weeks to Go
I finished the hand of the first mitten last week. I’ve held off on the thumb since I was second guessing the design I drew up for it. Now, I know what I’m going to do, but I’ll wait and do both thumbs at once. Here’s the palm…
Road to the State Fair - 3 Weeks to Go
I’ve struggled a bit starting the second mitten. I forgot to put in my notes when I changed from a size 1 needle to a size 2 needle, so I keep stopping to check the size is the same. Then I somehow skipped a stitch in the ribbing, I didn’t drop it, I just skipped it on one round. The only way to fix it was to go back half of what I had already knit, sigh. I’ve tinked back sooooo much on these. My goal is to get these completely done before the end of next week. Then get them blocked in the week before I need to turn them in. My next state fair post, I WILL show you a pair of finished mittens.

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© 2005 – 2012 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
12 years ago by in Knitting , Needlecraft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
One Comment to Road to the State Fair – Three Weeks to Go
    • Elle
    • Kathy, those are drop dead gorgeous! There’s so much detail–I can see why it’s taking some time. I adore mittens–never wear gloves, and these have to be the prettiest I’ve ever seen.

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